lose weight quickly

Lose weight quickly: how to lose weight quickly and without risk?


Everyone would like to know the miracle cure to lose weight quickly and well without frustration. In reality, things are more complex and it is often necessary to be patient in order to obtain effective and lasting results.

However, a few tips can help speed up the weight loss process. Here are our tips and recipes for losing weight quickly and well without putting your health at risk.

Lose weight quickly: the risks of losing weight too quickly

Losing weight quickly should not be an end in itself. Ideally, your goal should be to lose weight sustainably and healthily, that is to say without risk to your health. It is recommended not to lose more than 1 to 1.5 kg per week for this to be sustainable. Beyond that, it is considered that there is above all a loss of lean mass and this can be detrimental to the harmony and health of the body.

Losing weight quickly is never harmless for the body. Weight loss is always a test for all body systems. For this reason, before considering a change in your eating habits, it is recommended to consult a health professional who may advise you to perform a blood test to check that everything is fine.

New habits to put in place gradually

To form habits over the long term, it is generally recommended not to change everything at once. On the contrary, take stock and focus on 3 points of improvement at a time. Gradually, you will then take on new life habits over the long term and very naturally.

Keep a slimming goals diary

To lose weight quickly and well, it is essential to make a personal assessment and precisely define your slimming objectives. To do this, do not hesitate to write down in a notebook the objective you want to achieve and what motivates you to want to achieve this objective.

You can also write down the habits you want to lose and those you would like to have taken at the end of your food rebalancing. Planning ahead and setting a course of action helps you lose weight faster and in an organized way. This way you will know exactly where you are going and why you are doing it.

How to lose weight quickly without putting your health at risk?

Good news, there are simple ways to lose weight quickly and well without running any risk to your health. However, it should be kept in mind that losing weight quickly should never rhyme with a diet that is too restrictive. A weight loss of 1 to 1.5 kg per week is what is considered to be sufficiently rapid and reasonable weight loss.

Foods to eat to lose weight quickly

As we know, diet is the major pillar of weight loss. It is possible to lose weight permanently by making better food choices. To help you, here is a ranking of foods to favor and foods to avoid in order to lose weight quickly and well while maintaining a qualitative diet.

Good news, to lose weight quickly and healthily, it is quite possible to eat everything! What matters is above all to do it in the right proportions. For this, the simple and raw products to be favored must be systematically integrated into each meal. However, pleasure foods can be eaten occasionally and in small amounts to avoid frustration.

What physical activity to lose weight quickly?

Physical activity is the second pillar for rapid weight loss. It helps to optimize the positive effects of a varied diet, to refine the silhouette, but also to be happier and healthier.

For best results, moderate activity of 30 minutes per day is recommended. You can add to this one or two more intense weekly sessions ( HIIT type ). You don’t have to be a top athlete to lose weight, brisk walking is a great way to get off to a smooth start.

To help you lose weight quickly and well without any risk to your health, here is an example of a balanced menu for a diet day. If necessary, do not hesitate to adapt this menu according to your tastes and the specific needs of your body.

Here is a delicious drink that fills up with fiber and probiotic substances. In other words, it is ideal for taking care of your intestinal flora and maintaining a nice flat stomach. This smoothie can be consumed at breakfast time or as a snack just before a sports session, for example.

To make this smoothie to lose belly fat, simply mix all the ingredients in the bowl of a blender until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous drink. Taste without waiting.

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